• Kostenlose Parkplätze
  • Lieferung ab 12 Fl. frei Haus im Raum Trudering
  • servus@vinothek-munzert.de
  • 089-421827
  • Ab 125€ frei Haus (DE)
  • Kostenlose Parkplätze
  • Lieferung ab 12 Fl. frei Haus im Raum Trudering
  • servus@vinothek-munzert.de
  • 089-421827
  • Ab 125€ frei Haus (DE)

Welcome to our Wineshop

We are a small family-run wineshop, located in Munich-East. Our main focus is on Italian wines, together with an assortment of handpicked wineries from Germany, Austria and Spain .

European wine can be a bit confusing if you haven't grown up with all the impressive names from France or Italy. But no worries - we are here to help you! Having lived in the US for two years I will be happy to assist you with any needs regarding our wines, spirits, deli and gift boxes.

You can select ENGLISH in the drop down language setting at the top of our website!

Looking forward to seeing you in our shop:

Damaschkestrasse 11 - 81825 Munich

or send us an email to servus@vinothek-munzert.de

Italien Wineshop Munich